Janneke’s Takes
Smart, innovative, often funny takes on how (and why) to use modern tech to thrive in the digital age…especially if you didn’t grow up here.
Note: this is the repository for my blog posts, which means there might be a lot to wade through. If you click on a category (like ‘Messy Realities’) you will get only those posts. Enjoy!
Recent Posts
The Instagram Dip
I’m 5 weeks into my Quest to Conquer Instagram, thought I'd share some lessons learned so far…
My quest to conquer Instagram: A wobby start.
I’ve decided to take on Instagram. This is a big deal for me. I have scar tissue…
Overcoming Resistance: A Personal Battle
September is a tricky month for me. It’s a month of new beginnings, which is all good. It’s also a month of getting organized, getting my s*%t together…which is where I run into trouble…
Fear of Speaking Online
I’ve been on LinkedIn for years, have about 1000 connections and a few articles, so stepping out maybe shouldn’t really be a big thing. But as it turns out, it is.
I’m 5 weeks into my Quest to Conquer Instagram, thought I'd share some lessons learned so far…