Janneke’s Takes
Smart, innovative, often funny takes on how (and why) to use modern tech to thrive in the digital age…especially if you didn’t grow up here.
Note: this is the repository for my blog posts, which means there might be a lot to wade through. If you click on a category (like ‘Messy Realities’) you will get only those posts. Enjoy!
Recent Posts
For the Love of Robots, in Singapore
In Feb 2019, I was invited to speak at the National University of Singapore. It was my first visit to Asia and really exciting. The AlumNUS wrote about it.
The Hollywood Effect
When do you think we will have robots in our homes? I was speaking at the National University of Singapore and smiled at the familiar question.
Robots are already in our homes...
How I became a robot momma
Why Robots? How did I become a robot momma of four and counting?
I’m 5 weeks into my Quest to Conquer Instagram, thought I'd share some lessons learned so far…